
Solounion provides creative and strategic curatorship and custodianship for companies and brands.
We create strategically sound, big creative ideas and we provide creative intellect and direction.
Matthew Bull is the founder of Solounion.
Rob Mc Lennan is the creative leader.
Gillian Rightford is the strategic leader.
We have the combined experience of over 100 years of
high level brand communication experience.

how we work
Collaboration and constant communication with the client is key to our model of working.
We collaborate with a group of like-minded experienced and awarded creatives and strategists, so we can ensure companies and brands the best strategically grounded, big creative solutions or custodianship for their brands or services. We are all highly awarded and regarded in our respective disciplines and have won many awards with a pedigreed performance track record to prove it. Our experience allows us to work hard and fast.
Our model only uses creatives and strategists, so although we provide what a traditional agency does, we don't have any other cumbersome overheads.
This structure allows us to provide the best, single minded strategic and creative work for you and your brand.


Gillian’s CV is a mix of marketing, advertising, and leadership. She obtained a Business Science (Honours) degree in Marketing from UCT, worked for Perry & Associates (Marketing Strategy consulting), then headed into the creative world, doing account management and strategy for below and above the line agencies, before becoming Managing Director of Hercules/DMB&B, and then Group Managing Director of Lowe Bull.
She started Adtherapy in 2007, a company that aims to help marketers and agencies optimise their output, through improved skills, pricing, structure, process, strategic thinking, creativity and relationships. Through Adtherapy’s tried and tested processes, she has successfully unlocked growth and performance in both corporate and agency teams.
Gillian also lectures Integrated Marketing Communications at the School of Management Studies at the University of Cape Town. She is a public speaker on various aspects of marketing, creative effectiveness, integrated communication including
managing reputational risk.

After spending thirty five years in the South African advertising industry as the creative leader of agencies such as Lowe Bull, JWT, FCB and Net#workBBDO, Rob started King James II as co-founder and creative partner of King James II, and in 2019 started SoloUnion, a provider of strategic and creative ideas.
He has accumulated two Cannes Lion Grand Prix, a collection of over 40 Cannes Lions and has accrued assorted Loerie Grand Prix and gold’s, Creative Circle Ad of the Years, One Show’s, Clio’s and D&AD pencils.
He has served as chairperson of the South African Creative Circle (2007/2008) and served on its executive committee for 14 years. He has judged and chaired many international award festivals; the Cannes Lion festivals three times, once as President, twice at D&AD, also at the Dubai Lynx awards, chaired the Clio awards and was South Africa’s first home-grown Jury President at the Cannes Lions. He sat on the Loeries executive committee for 6 years and has judged the Loeries for 17 years. He has served three times on the Apex judging panel. He is a member of the Cannes Chimera which is a collaboration between the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Cannes Lions.

our way of working
We pick the creative and strategic talent that is best suited for the particular demands of the project or brief.
We immerse ourselves in all the data and information we can get our hands on pertaining to the project brief: from a psychological, sociological, geographic and competitor perspective, filtered through the personality, aims and purposes of the organisation or brand, and then move on to winkling out the most single minded purpose of the communication.
Based on this, creative and strategy come up with a number of concepts or ideas that we believe have the most merit, and in conjunction with the client, we mutually choose the direction we feel is best.
Based on the approved strategic and creative direction, we deliver a fully integrated proof of creative concept presentation.
We then continue on a mutually agreed direction going forward, which may or may not include creative and strategic direction, implementation or curatorship.

talk to us
Email Rob or Gillian on:
or call
Rob on +27 82 330 1565
Gillian on +27 265 9099